W dniach 3-5.02 br. odbyła się w siedzibie Uczelnia Biznesu i Nauk Stosowanych „Varsovia” konferencja szkoleniowa na temat szkolnictwa wyższego oraz metod i jakości kształcenia w Europie dla nauczycieli akademickich z uczelni na Ukrainie (Kijów, Charków, Dniepr, Lwów).
Innovative technologies in science and education: The experience of Europe
-Major trends characterizing higher education development in the European Union countries – national specificity.
-The Bologna Process in higher education development of European Union countries.
-Distance learning technologies in higher education.
-International Cooperation and Integration in education.
-Management of the education system and independence of the Universities.
-Scientific and educational development along with the upgrading the qualification of teachers.
-The establishment of new curriculums and improving teaching methods according to the international standards.
-Forms and methods of quality control education.