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International Business and Marketing specialty focuses on getting to know and understanding clients from various countries and cultures. Graduates of this specialty will have acquired the necessary competences to become managers in the international business arena. After completing the specialisation, graduates can operate in various environmental conditions of the international market. The course prepares to acquire knowledge from the field of international business management, strategic management, business organisation, customer relationship management as well as marketing and sales.


The graduates of this programme of study acquire knowledge of a psychodynamic approach to leadership, which deviates from the classical theories based on personality, competence and style. The programme analyses theories on transformational leadership focused on taking up motivational actions, thus enabling employees to go beyond their own limitations. It addresses certain ethical issues of leadership and corporate social responsibility as a consequence of the moral choices of a leader.


The aim of this study programme is to improve students’ skills when it comes to the use of coaching tools both in a personal and professional sphere. The programme provides for education that allows to implement coaching processes in the company. Coaching tools and techniques are becoming an important factor affecting the effectiveness of people managing smaller or larger teams, specialists as well as employees at every level of an organization.


Career counseling and coaching is an innovative specialization  in the field of management, equipping future graduates with some of the competences most desired on the labor market. They include not only the efficient management of projects, human resources, human resources or procedures, but also the ability to manage oneself, including one’s own talents, weaknesses, time, uncertainty or professional career.


The studies allow you to deepen your knowledge in the area of cryptocurrencies and their applications in business. By choosing this specialty, you will learn how to trade cryptocurrencies, what their types and uses are, as well as how much cryptocurrency may become the main means of payment in the future.


This study programme equips students with competences not only in the field of social sciences, communication and interpersonal relations, but also in the area of ​​IT, data analysis and coding. Students of this specialization will have gained theoretical knowledge in the field of statistical analysis and machine learning algorithms. They will be introduced to tools and technologies that form the pillars of knowledge in the field of Big Data. Students will also learn about using programming libraries and tools facilitating cooperation between scientists.


The diplomacy and international communication specialty is dedicated to those people who would like to work in the diplomatic sector in accordance with the general and widely accepted standards of diplomacy; who would like to contribute to creating the right image of diplomatic relations and organise successful foreign visits. Graduates will have acquired knowledge covering such aspects as the history of diplomacy, the rules of diplomatic protocols, the main principles of international movement of people as well as the diplomatic and consular law.


The studies are aimed at people who want to combine management with an interest in e-sport. Thanks to them, you will learn how the esports market works, what are the participating organizations, what the training process looks like and how to manage it. If you associate your professional future with the market of computer games and e-sports competitions, this direction is perfect for you.


We live in a time when we are becoming more and more resistant to persuasion, and all advertising messages have less and less power due to the saturation with marketing messages. We are reluctant to leave our personal data, we do not fill in the questionnaires anymore, and the number of newsletters in our e-mail boxes only motivates us to click one button – “move to trash”.


The studies provide competences for professional management of the protection of the safety and health of employees. In this course, you will learn how to reduce losses related to accidents at work and occupational diseases, and how to build a positive image of the company based on the principles of occupational health and safety.


This specialty prepares graduates to become leaders in the organisation and effective implementation of such processes as: recruitment of employees, motivation to work, people management as well as talent discovery and development. Students of Human Resources Management will have gained practical knowledge and skills to manage an integrated team of employees focused on personal development and company success.


Internet marketing is currently one of the most dynamically developing areas when it comes to marketing. It is accompanied by an equally dynamic development of e-commerce. This study programme aims at preparing students for the practical use of Internet across marketing activities by analysing the principles of an online market and an effective implementation of various e-commerce projects across different business areas. Students learn about the issues of marketing virtualization in a strategic dimension and various processes of competing and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage by enterprises.


This specialty familiarises students with the current trends in the field of organisation and management in tourist, hotel and catering enterprises operating in the conditions of strong competition. Graduates will have acquired practical skills in the field of developing business plans, advertising campaign projects, marketing research and public relations. They will have also mastered effective negotiation techniques and will have learned about strategic management in the sphere of finances and quality of services.


Studies in the field of management give the opportunity to gain knowledge in the field of designing and implementing IT systems, designing digital applications and works, as well as in the field of quality and security of IT management. You will learn a collection of good practices in the field of IT process management, including: planning and organization, acquisition and implementation, delivery and support, monitoring and evaluation, as well as selected trends in the development of computer and information techniques and new forms of editing and presentation of electronic images. You will be able to manage IT projects.


The specialization prepares students to work in central and local government administration and to meet the challenges faced by the modern civil servant body. During your studies you will learn the rules governing the functioning of public administration at the central, regional and local level, as well as the functioning of local government, budget management in administration, as well as the conditions and regulations governing public procurement. He also knows the constitutional system of state organs and the basics of administrative law.


As part of this specialisation, students will have learned about the specifics of the operation of small and medium enterprises and they will have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to support economic success. The course prepares students to acquire knowledge in such fields as image management, promotion strategies, marketing communication as well as functioning of small companies across the European Union.

In addition to the basic skills relevant to the field of management sciences, students will have acquired knowledge in the field of creative problem solving. They will also analyse the concepts of enterprise value management and will be able to use modern methods of financing and assess their effectiveness.

No additional fees for programme differences and studying as part of an individual organization of studies


The specialization in Managerial Engineering is addressed to students who want to work as a specialist in solving problems in the preparation of decisions in the management of an economic organization, budgetary unit and all institutions conducting business activity. In particular, it is about people involved in supervising programs used to implement the organization’s strategy, people intending to improve the functioning of their company. The studies are also intended for managers of IT departments who want to optimally organize IT services using the best practices and modern technologies.


The aim of this programme of study is to prepare specialists in the field of wider marketing activities, in particular activities related to such issues as market research, market communication, building relationships with customers, sales activities, PR, image building, brand management as well as the use of modern technologies in business. Marketing is an interdisciplinary area of ​​knowledge and practical activity. It draws on the experience of psychology, sociology, economics, statistics, accounting, finances, ethnography and even philosophy. This specialization defines various methods of designing individual phases when it comes to promotional activities in business, including preparation and implementation of marketing campaigns.


The studies are aimed at people who associate their careers with the organization and marketing of events. They allow you to acquire competences in the area of ​​effective event management and event marketing. If you dream about organizing events, creating advertising space in the area of ​​organized events – this specialty is just for you.


The focus of this programme of study is consumer market behaviour as well as issues related to marketing of services and trade, Internet advertising, planning advertising and promotional campaigns, conducting market analysis across various dimensions, implementing marketing and competition strategies, as well as psychosocial aspects of advertising. Graduates acquire education that allows them to take up work related to the marketing activities of a company, institution and organization. They acquire knowledge and skills useful in business communication, particularly in the field of sales management, thus being able to take actions in the field of solving management and marketing problems, as well as administering human resources


The Mobile & Digital Marketing specialization acquaints the student with the current trends in the area of ​​internet marketing and explores the knowledge of digital media. During their studies, students develop competences tailored to the expectations of the modern digitized world. A graduate of Mobile & Digital Marketing will gain a huge range of competences in the sector of new technologies and skills enabling him to hold a position in any modern organization, resulting from the phenomenon of digital transformation that every company or institution undergoes. Specialization classes will be conducted by experts in the e-marketing and internet business industry.


Neuromarketing is an innovative specialty that combines the latest achievements in consumer research with the substantive background of psychological knowledge. While 20 years ago it was possible to wonder whether the nascent neuromarketing would strengthen its position in the world of science and business, today no one has any doubts about it.


The specialization prepares for work in an innovative economy based on knowledge in the field of security management in cyberspace. Thanks to the specialization, you will learn the standards of IT process management, the principles of IT risk management and cybersecurity, as well as legal aspects related to the functioning of IT. The graduate is able to manage security systems.


This specialty prepares for planning, implementation and control activities in the area of economically efficient flow of raw materials and finished products as well as appropriate communication with clients. Logistics specialists deal with warehouse management, supply management, production planning as well as transport and communication.

Biuro Obsługi

+48 698 407 637

+48 698 695 954

Godziny pracy:

  • Poniedziałek 13:00-17:00
  • Wtorek – dzień pracy wewnętrznej (biuro zamknięte)
  • Środa 13:00-17:00
  • Czwartek – dzień pracy wewnętrznej (biuro zamknięte)
  • Piątek 13:00 – 17:00
  • Sobota 8:00 – 14:00
  • Niedziela: 8:00 – 12:00

+48 17 741 20 42

Godziny pracy:

  • Poniedziałek, środa, czwartek, piątek – 11.00-17.00
  • Wtorek – dzień pracy wewnętrznej (biuro zamknięte)
  • Sobota (w dni zjazdowe zgodne z planem) 8:00 – 14:00
  • Niedziela (w dni zjazdowe zgodne z planem) 8:00 – 12:00

+48 660 132 655


Godziny pracy:

  • poniedziałek – nieczynne
  • wtorek – godz. 10.00 – 14.00
  • środa – godz. 10.00 – 14.00
  • czwartek – godz. 10.00 – 14.00
  • piątek – nieczynne
  • sobota – godz. 10.00 – 14.00
  • niedziela – godz. 10.00 – 12.00

+48 71 725 41 27

Godziny pracy:

  • pon. – pt. 9:00-17:00 (przerwa 12:30-13:00)
  • sb. 8:00-14:00 (w dni zjazdowe zgodne z planem)
  • ndz. 8:00-12:00 (w dni zjazdowe zgodne z planem)

+48 666 092 302


Godziny pracy:

  • pon. – śr. 11:00-17:00
  • czwartek – BOS nieczynny
  • piątek. 11:00-14:00
  • sb. 8:00-14:00 Weekendy zjazdowe (zajęcia stacjonarne)
  • ndz. 8:00-12:00 Weekendy zjazdowe (zajęcia stacjonarne)

+48 81 473 25 62

Godziny pracy:

  • pon. – pt. 9:00-17:00 (przerwa 12:30-13:00)
  • sb. 8:00-14:00 (w dni zjazdowe zgodne z planem)
  • ndz. 8:00-12:00 (w dni zjazdowe zgodne z planem)