Ukrainian rectors from Kiev and Lviv become honorary professors of CH

On 31 May, at the seat of the Polish Olympic Committee in Warsaw, we could witness a ceremony of awarding the titles of Honorary Professors of Uczelnia Biznesu i Nauk Stosowanych „Varsovia” to: prof. Yevhen Imas – Rector of the Kiev National University of Physical Education and Sport in Kiev and prof. Yevhen Prystup – Rector of the Lviv State University of Physical Culture in Lviv. The ceremony of handing out the insignia and diplomas was conducted by HM prof. dr. hab. Pawel Czarnecki, MBA, dr. h.c. – Provost of Uczelnia Biznesu i Nauk Stosowanych „Varsovia”, whereas the traditional laudation was delivered by the President of the Polish Olympic Committee, prof. h.c. dr. h.c. Andrzej Kraśnicki, MBA.


“This ceremony has a symbolic dimension. It takes place at a special time and in a unique place for the Polish sport. We cooperate with the Polish Olympic Committee and our students are also athletes and Olympians. I am glad that today we can underline the highest recognition and respect to two outstanding professors from Ukraine so that to convey our message that peace is the highest good,” said prof. Czarnecki.


Prof. Imas, Rector of Kiev National University of Physical Education and Sport, is also a Chairman of the Sports and Environment Committee of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine as well as Chairman of the Ukrainian Federation of University Sports. In addition, he is the author of over 120 articles and research papers on socio-economic and legal issues of physical culture and sport, entrepreneurship in the field of physical culture and sport, strategies and recommendations for a healthy lifestyle as well as a promoter of the development of e-sport in Ukraine.


Prof. Prystupa, a habilitated doctor of pedagogical sciences, is a professor of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and a Deputy Chairman of the National Olympic Committee Branch in the Lviv region. He holds 9 certificates of copyright and patents of Ukraine. He has prepared 6 habilitated doctors and 15 doctors in Physical Culture Science. He is the author of 320 scientific, didactic and methodological works – written independently and in co-authorship. Over 60 of these have appeared in leading foreign publishing houses.


Rectors and Vice-Rectors of universities from Poland and Ukraine as well as different representatives of the state, self-government, civic society and media also took part in the event. The ceremony was graced with a performance of a choir conducted by Dariusz Zimnicki.


The title of Honorary Professor of Uczelnia Biznesu i Nauk Stosowanych „Varsovia” has been already awarded to:

  • Krzysztof Cugowski – singer, senator of the Polish Parliament for the 6th term,
  • Andrzej Kraśnicki – President of the Polish Olympic Committee,
  • Vaclav Klaus – President of the Czech Republic in 2003-2013.

Our University has won the title of the Polish University of the Year in the National Educational Plebiscite organised by Polska Press and we have also received the title of an OUTSTANDING INSTITUTION OF 2022 in the EDUCATION Category in the plebiscite of the Polish Federation of Entrepreneurs and Employers – Przedsię

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