Uczelnia Biznesu i Nauk Stosowanych „Varsovia” becomes an accredited partner of Language Cert

The LanguageCert Test of English (LTE), the most modern and reputable language certificate around the world, is now at the fingertips of every student of Uczelnia Biznesu i Nauk Stosowanych „Varsovia”. Our University has just joined the network of partner organizations as the Accredited Registration Centre for LanguageCert Exams. Thanks to this cooperation, the academic community of Uczelnia Biznesu i Nauk Stosowanych „Varsovia” can now use a promotional code entitling to a 25% reduction in the LTE exam fee! The LTE exam is addressed primarily to those people who need an international certificate confirming the level of their English proficiency, so that to be able to broaden their job prospects or develop their careers in an increasingly globalized environment.

The main advantages of the LTE exam are primarily:

  • a convenient online format (you can choose to take the test at home or in your office, without the need to travel to an exam centre),
  • flexibility when it comes to choosing the exam date (you can choose any date to take the test, literally 24 hours a day, 365 days a year),
  • questions are tailored to your level of proficiency (LTE is an adaptive exam, i.e. the question difficulty scale depends on your previous answers – the more correct answers, the higher the difficulty level and the higher the possibility of gaining more points),
  • reasonably quick results (preliminary test results are known immediately after the test completion, whereas the official Certificate and Results Report are all delivered within 2-3 working days in an electronic form and within 1-2 weeks in a paper version. The results are presented on a scale of 0-100 points, where B2 level equals 60 points).

How to register for the LTE exam and get the discount?

  1. Go to the following website: LANGUAGECERT TEST OF ENGLISH (LTE).
  1. Mark the little circle (field) next to the appropriate exam name and price, and then click the “BOOK” button.
  2. In the “I HAVE A PROMO CODE” field, enter the special code dedicated to Uczelnia Biznesu i Nauk Stosowanych „Varsovia” students – 4960D9 and confirm it with a click on the “APPLY” button. If the code has been entered correctly, the discount will be applied automatically.
  3. In the “SCHEDULE OR EDIT DATE & TIME” field, underlined in red, set your time zone and select the date and time that you want to take the exam.
  4. After selecting the date, click on the red bar “UPDATE SELECTED SLOT TO BASKET”.
  5. You will see your selected date and a summary. Select the “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” button.
  6. The system will ask you to log in (if you already have an account on the LanguageCert website) or to create a new account. Fill in the required fields and click on the “JOIN” button.
  7. Provide all the data needed to make a payment – you can pay by credit card or PayPal.
  8. Make the payment for your exam. You will receive a confirmation with your choice of the exam date by e-mail.
  9. Your profile on the LanguageCert website will also show a summary of your exam date and a link to download the exam application – the so-called “EXAM SHIELD”. Install it, open it and click on the “CHECK SYSTEM” button (the application will then test your computer system, your microphone and headphones as well as the internet speed). If the test is successful and shows no errors, you can return to the application only 10 minutes before the scheduled exam date.

IMPORTANT! Make a note of your exam date so that you do not miss it.

Fill in the details on your LanguageCert profile – especially regarding your valid ID that you will present to the Examiner before starting the test.

On the day of the exam:

  • Make sure that you are in a comfortable, quiet place, without the presence of your household members.
  • Check if there are no auxiliary materials on the desk or table at which you will be sitting while taking the test, such as books, dictionaries.
  • Mute your phone and put it out of reach before starting the test.
  • The Examiner will ask you to rotate your camera 360 degrees so that to show the room in which you are taking the test.

Additionally, students interested in the IESOL exam can take advantage of a dedicated 15% discount code for that test too – B8B4A6.


In case of doubt, please send your questions to the Director of Foreign Language Centre at Uczelnia Biznesu i Nauk Stosowanych „Varsovia” – Joanna Lipinin, MA, at 


Tel: + 48 22 487 53 59

Adw. Magdalena Stryja

Doświadczenie Prorektor Magdaleny Stryi obejmuje współpracę z takimi ośrodkami i instytucjami naukowymi jak Uniwersytet Cambridge, Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, Uniwersytet Śląski, Okręgową Radą Adwokacką w Katowicach czy Naczelną Radą Adwokacką. Od prawie dwóch dekad związana jest ze szkolnictwem wyższym, a przez ostatnie 10 lat także z Polską Adwokaturą. W tym czasie sprawowała m.in. takie funkcje jak: członkini Senatu Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Rady Wydziału Prawa i Administracji UŚ, Rad Dydaktycznych kierunków: prawo i administracja, przedsiębiorczość. Piastowała dyrektorskie stanowiska w Narodowej Agencji Programu Erasmus + i Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności, w Akademii WSB oraz w Uniwersytecie Śląskim. Od ponad 15 lat ściśle współpracuje z mediami najpierw jako rzecznik Wydziału Prawa i Administracji, a następnie jako Rzecznik Fundacji Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji.

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Członkini grupy badawczej Just Transition, zespołu naukowego w projekcie unijnym Train in your language: multilingual transnational training in EU civil and commercial law – TRAIL, zespołu badawczego Prawa Pracy I Ubezpieczeń Społecznych w Uniwersytecie Śląskim, członkini uniwersyteckiego zespołu ds utworzenia kierunku studiów Administrowanie Środowiskiem, a także zespołu ds utworzenia studiów podyplomowych CYBER SCIENCE przez Uniwersytet Śląsk, Politechnikę Śląską oraz NASK.

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